So I was an actor for our Anti-Vaping PSA that we filmed on Wednesday and Friday. I played the part of Boy 1, a proud person who vapes. In the commercial, I peer pressured one of my friends into vaping, a common occurrence among the high school demographic. One of our actors, the Principal, was unavailable on Wednesday. Only me, Boy 1, and Angelo, Boy 2, were the ones there that were being in the film. Emily was our camera-women are was very much against being in the commercial. So I decided to shoot all of the shots that did not require him. I also came up with the idea to film all the shots of one actor at once in the conversation. That means I say my lines all at once without Boy 2 responding once. Then afterward, Boy 2 will say all his lines. When I edit it, I will cut the scenes side-by-side so that it will flow nicely.
On Wednesday, we got to filming a little late. First of all, the upstairs boys bathroom by the media center (the one we decided to film in ) was taken by another group. So we decided to use Plan B, the downstairs boys bathroom. Then when we got down there, the bathroom was being used by the people who actually needed to go, so we waited for them to leave. Then when we finally got the camera out, the screw connecting the camera to the tripod was stuck. Emily and I went back to the classroom and got Ms. Cats to help us get it unstuck. When we finally got into the bathroom to start filming, I had some trouble remembering the lines. It took me at least 3 tries to get my lines right. Which is kind of funny, since I was the one who made the script the day before. I believe though that I did an alright job on the acting front.
On Friday, we filmed all the scenes that we were not able to film on Wednesday. That meant, however, I had to wear the same clothes on Friday that I did on Wednesday. It would be pretty weird for our clothes to change mid-scene. For one of the takes, Boy 1 was to be forcefully kicked out of the boys bathroom and knocked to the ground. It was hard to fall over convincingly because of the fear factor. But after a couple of tries and dustings off, I think I did a pretty good job. After all the filming was done, I was the one to dump all of our footage on the school computers both days. While I was dumping though, I noticed some alarming things. The shots on Friday, Angelo had Airpods in and I had my hairstyled a different way. So we may have to retake those shots again later.
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